lördag 24 november 2018

Self-created fashion dilemmas

Sometimes I wonder what the fuck I’m doing. For a guy who sometimes leaves the house only on Saturday and Sunday, and hardly ever for more than two hours, I own a ridiculous amount of clothing. There are at least 25 summer shirts and at least that many for milder weather and probably a dozen more for cool weather.

I’m trying to get in the habit of wearing a summer shirt under a mild weather shirt for cooler weather attire but the reality is that it would take me half a year just to wear everything due to the fact that I will often wear the same shirt both weekend days.  And why not? If I’m only wearing it for 2 hours on each weekend day, that’s just 4 hours of wearing time. I feel like 8 hours is required before something needs to be washed.

Perhaps I need to get in the habit of wearing these shirts when I’m not out of the house despite the fact that most of them are made to be seen in.  But if I like them, and I do, then why not wear them to please myself?  The bulk of the resistance is because I eat dinner on the sofa, after some drinks, and stains happen. On the other hand, I have stain removal products that seem to work so I need to let go of that fear.

Maybe I’ll start testing this idea with the shirts that are not at the top of my favourites list just to see how it goes.

I am also exploring the world of jumpers which have never been something I enjoyed wearing until I actually figured out how to wear them. Now that I have 4 or 5 of them another problem has been revealed. I can wear those over a summer t-shirt in lieu of many other cool weather shirts in my collection.

At least my fetish is largely confined to tops. I have about 4 jeans that I normally wear out, and my lineup of shoes is even more limited.  Unfortunately, I rarely wear jeans in the hot summer months and I own at least 15 pairs of shorts for that season. And over the course of two months I might rotate between 5 or 6 of them.  

I am not going to concern myself right now with summer attire in November. I can deal with that issue in about five months. My immediate goal is to see if I can start wearing more of these nice shirts during the winter, determine which ones are absolute faves and which are simply OK. Then maybe I’ll be able to whittle all this down to a manageable size. Or maybe I won't need to if I start wearing them at home on a daily basis. Maybe over the course of three weeks I could actually wear them all! What a concept!

One alternative is to simply not worry about it. Millions of people have all kinds of clothes they have only worn once or twice and will near wear again and yet they continue to hang there. I just don’t know that I can be one of those people. Either it gets worn or it goes out. I’m rather ruthless that way. I would much rather see eight shirts hanging that I adore rather than eight shirts I adore mixed in with 12 others that I simply like but wear once every two years.

We shall see how this goes. It’s something I can obsess about and we all know I need that!

Sargon and Thalassa