måndag 31 december 2018

Eventually I do something

It can take me 5 years or longer to start and complete a lot of projects so I should just stop with the new year resolutions and such. This house still has a lot on the list but I am concerned most urgently with my personal needs.

The last time I had actual dental work done was when I lived in Los Angeles. It could have been 25 years ago. I have no idea of the actual date but I moved to Austin in 1997 and that’s 21 years and the last dentist visit was long before that.

There’s no excuse for it, really. I got caught up in a whirlwind of work and life in a new city. And shortly thereafter, the collapse of the company where I worked. Then I started smoking and drinking again which launched a decade of alcoholic excess during which time dental work was not a priority. My singular focus was making certain there was at least half a bottle of tequila in the house.

It has been almost 9 years since I collapsed on the patio and broke a number of bones in my face. This made brushing my teeth rather painful and nearly impossible on the upper left side where my cheek bone was broken. That was when the plaque started to build up.

Five years ago I did attempt to see a dentist. She recommended a deep cleaning of the teeth and along the gum line. However, she would not do the work on account of my high blood pressure. I tried various methods of lowering my BP but nothing worked. I had stopped drinking hard liquor entirely but the wine and beer were still impacting it along with the smoking.

I resolved in 2015 to do something about it, and again in 2016, and yet again in 2017. Being frustrated with myself, this was the year I decided to see a doctor and get this taken care of. I wanted to have the dental work completed before the end of the year. 

The blood pressure pills were helping but not solving the problem. Subsequently my doctor suggested I double the dosage which I started about a month ago. Unfortunately I have been extraordinarily busy at work and never scheduled the dental appointment. By early December it was fairly obvious this was going to get postponed into 2019. I wasn’t happy about it but at least the wheels were turning.

Near the end of the week before Christmas I started having sensitivity in the area where I have the plaque buildup. Nothing severe, just discomfort when rinsing with cold water for instance. Within a day or two, going into the weekend this became extremely painful, almost unbearable at times. Needless to say I had to find a dentist and with the holidays I knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

The pain had begun to subside a little by Christmas Eve and Christmas day - at least enough for me to sleep at night.

On Boxing day I started making calls. One recorded message after another announcing they were closed until January. Finally, I found one who was open, had had a cancellation, and could see me that afternoon.

An x-ray revealed a crack along one of the upper teeth. The doctor had to schedule me for a crown which is due to happen this afternoon. He will have to clean the tooth and surrounding area, and then I can schedule another appointment for the remaining cleaning work and whitening. I have been so disgusted with my teeth and self-conscious for so long I am not sure how I’m going to feel when I see them cleaned up after so many years of neglect.

The good news is that I am getting started with this in 2018 as planned! Just barely! I am claiming that as a victory.

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Sargon and Thalassa